Sunday, April 25, 2010

Holding a Baby!!!

I have been told by a Burundian mother that when she is at church she can’t walk 3 steps without someone taking her baby. She told me that this is honoring. Today was my day. In front of me at church was a woman with her two children, girl about 4 months old, boy probably 2. All service these 2 were looking at us and I would play with them, as much as you can when you are trying to listen to the sermon which is being translated into English from French. After service I asked the woman if I could hold her baby. She, as I expected, lifted her child up and put her in my arms. The little girl was shocked but a few bounces and pats on the back put her at ease.
The next service was beginning so I passed back the girl and chatted with a few friends. One was a student from Stephanie’s fluency class. He told me he would translate for me in the next service (Kirundi, Swahili service). I was all in. I followed him in and guess who we were sitting behind again. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked if I could hold her baby again. Oh it was great. Singing songs and holding a tired baby, who fell asleep almost right away. The only drawback was the fact that the extra heat from her made me so, I mean SOOOOOOO sweaty!!! I must have lost at least 8 oz of liquid from the sweat. Then it rained. I’m realizing that right before the rain it is so hot!!! Hmmmm I think I’m getting it.
After church the 4 of us had a great conversation about life!!! I love those conversations that are packed with “what if” or “would you” questions that really matter.


  1. that is one way to lose weight. went to ww and was up 2.8 don't know why but oh well I will keep going.

  2. Hi,
    I was looking around, looking things up on Burundi and I found your blog. I think it is so great that you have been involved with Burundi. I was really excited and shocked! I'm actually Burundian and I have been trying to find ways in which I can also help. If it's not too forward would we be able to exchange emails because I think its really great what you are doing and I would like to hear more about it.
    Thank you!
