Monday, July 5, 2010

Friends and Home

I think the hardest thing about feeling at home here is that it makes me miss home there.
This weekend was wonderful. I couldn't ask for better. I had a visit from a good friend. It was nothing special. I was working on writing the midterm exam and my friend was sitting and doing other things. We didn't have an agenda, just hanging out. It was comfortable.
Sunday I went to church with a different friend. I sat in the foreign language section. The church translates the service into English and French. I got to wear a set of pretty snazzy head phones and hold a receiver. (I was pretty stylin') The service was in Kirundi and Ki Swahili, I was wearing headphones, and sitting amongst strangers, but I felt like I was with family. It was so nice. There was a woman sitting in front of me. She was so friendly. I found out that she was from Canada. She asked me how long I was here for. I told her one year. She said, "That's how long I was here for 12 years ago. Careful." I laughed. She told me about a bible study that she attends. I'm very excited about the possibility of a mentor in her.
After the service my friend and I walked to his house. There is nothing like a long Sunday walk to make me feel at home. I met his family and shared some rice and beans, the little fish staring up at me from the plate I didn't eat. After he escorted me to the US Marine's house for a 4th of July party. Because of security only US citizens were allowed to go. I arrived late but the potluck was still out. I was back in America for a moment looking at all the random dishes, think church picnic where everyone brings something that is a little weird. The roasted pig was good though :) and someone brought the most amazing brownies I've ever tasted!!! I made an apple pie, very American of me.
I met a couple who just had a baby. I joked about babysitting and the wife joked back but then said, "I'm totally serious." They live up the mountain, about a 30 min drive. They seem really cool. I'm hoping that we become friends. Another family, who I've met a few times, invited me over to play games sometime. They live across town. I'm going to call them this week. :)
Bob and Laurie drove me back to HAU. Bob said, "do we drop you at your apartment or are we going to our house." I told him that I would drop my things and then be right over. We watched a movie and ate popcorn that was so buttery. yum
This morning when I woke up tired and sad. I didn't want to wake up. When this happens in the states I just call my dad, who is at work, and he wakes me up and cheers me up. I reached for my phone, then I remembered. Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't call my dad. I thought of a friend here to call but figured that he would still be sleeping.
The weekend was so great. Working, hanging out with friends and making new ones. I went to sleep in comfort and woke up wishing for that comfort to continue, wishing to see or at least talk to the family I love so much.
I went to class to give the midterm. We didn't have a classroom so I waited for my students to find a class. Standing in the middle of the HAU campus I was not alone for more that 60 seconds at a time. It was different friends of mine on their way to class or getting ready for the day. Each of them taking time to greet me, to ask me how I was and wish me a good day.
Yes I miss my family but having friends that care help me keep going, help ease the sorrow.

Daddy Happy Birthday. I love you lots and lots.

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