Saturday, January 30, 2010


I received an email from Barb today. She is a missionary who has been in Burundi for a long time. She has been a wealth of information and a great source of letting me know what is happening at HAU right now.
I'm so excited because I do have a place to stay!!!
Here is her email:

There is an improvised apt on the ground floor that you and Stephanie will
be in until Kirkpatricks (a couple working on the radio station) leave. It is tiny, but there is a nice 'sitting' room across the hall; there is a small dining room as you enter; a kitchen with fridge,stove,shelves and a table, but the water is carried from the nearby bathroom. There is also a small bedroom with shelving and a rod for
storing/hanging clothing.

PTL I have somewhere to sleep the night I get there!!!


  1. Yeah!!! SO glad that you have a bit more than a dorm room to look forward to! Not that you wouldn't have handled that with the utmost grace... :-)

  2. ok we got you on our iGoogle page so we will see your updates almost live. Stay strong, stay safe and stay cool? :) LOL If we don't see you before you leave have a safe journey and remember to have fun. this is the adventure (literally) of a lifetime, enjoy every minute even the worst moments they all add up to a great experience.
