Monday, May 31, 2010

Still Living

Please forgive me for my absence. I have been very busy. The semester is now over but it closing included: other American professors/friends leaving, grading papers and projects, writing final exams, visiting with Handicapped International, visiting a center for people with disabilities, a meeting with the rector of the university, administering exams, grading exams, figuring out final grades, and then life on top of that. It was a lot of things packed into two weeks.
Now that classes are done for 10 days I'm taking a break. I'm headed up country to Kibuye for the break. Hopefully I will have plenty of time to blog about what has gone on to let you know. I will also spend the time writing 2 syllabuses for the classes I'm teaching this summer semesters. And time enjoying the cool air and wearing pants :)

This blog entry is brought to you by Barb Volland, and viewers like you.


  1. So glad to hear you're still alive! ;-) I figured your absence meant that you were plenty busy with end of semester activities(originally that typed out as " plenty busty"... I don't think that's a condition that affects blogging much, or that's related to the end of the semester!) I hope your time in Kibuye is refreshing, cool, uplifting and productive!

  2. Take some time to relax, Rachel!! Congrats on finishing a semester!

  3. Thanks for blogging, Rachel. I enjoy hearing about Africa and your life. ~ Barb
