I was on my way with a very girly mission. Make banana bread for my two friends. They came up before the bread was done. It is always great when people come into my “home”. If we are close friends normally the question of American culture comes up. Most of the time because I will do something that they think is strange. I will then explain myself and a little American culture. This is very freeing for me because I get to explain my culture and they get to explain their culture. We both end up with a better understanding of who each other are. More talking and less offensive actions is always good.
It was great just sitting around eating and chatting about life. Towards the end things got a funny. We got the camera out to document the silliness. Mom I thought you would enjoy this pic. The other pictures didn’t turn out nicely.
Your right Rachel I do love this picture. You are really laughing and that makes me happy. Your friend is happy also and it makes me happy that I will get to meet him and your other friends. Your are also very skinny, don't get to skinny.